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Ultraviolet Lamps - FAQs

Q: Which UVC light should I buy – ozone or ozone-free?

A: The choice between UVC lights depends on the type of sterilization that a room requires. Hospitals often use ozone lightbulbs because ozone disinfects while in operation, which ensures that even the shadowy parts of a room are disinfected. Unfortunately, ozone UVC lights can emit an unpleasant odor that is not recommended to be inhaled in large amounts or for prolonged periods of time by humans. For this reason, ozone-free lightbulbs are best for use at home as there is a minimal amount of ozone emitted.

Q: For how long should I disinfect a room with a UVC light?

A: The amount of time that it takes to disinfect a room with a UVC light depends on the size of the room. Typically, a UVC lamp can disinfect a radius of 8 feet within 30 minutes. Therefore, anywhere between 30-60 minutes should be sufficient to disinfect a standard sized room.

Q: Do UVC lights kill viruses?

A: Yes, UVC lamps kill up to 99.9% of most viruses, airborne bacteria and mold spores.

Q: How hot do UVC lamps get?

A: UVC lamps do not emit much heat, unlike the amount of heat emitted by fluorescent lamps.

Q: How dangerous is UVC light to humans?

A: Prolonged and direct exposure to UVC light can cause temporary skin redness and eye irritation in some people, but UVC light is not known to cause skin cancer or cataracts.

Replacement Filters - FAQs

Q: What is an air purifier?

A: An air purifier is a device that removes the harmful airborne particles from a room. Air purifiers are beneficial for: 

  • Allergy sufferers
  • Asthmatics
  • Removing nasty or harmful odors
  • Airborne chemicals, germs and virus concerns
  • Numerous other health issues for your family, pets, friends and yourself.

Q: What is HEPA filter?

A: HEPA as an acronym stands for “High Efficiency Particle Air” and HEPA filters are designed to remove particles from the air. H13 True HEPA filters capture 99.9% of particles down to 0.1 microns in size and are commonly referred to as medical-grade air filters. H11 True HEPA filters capture 95% of particles down to 0.1 microns in size, which miss capturing many of today’s most concerning airborne particles. Unfortunately, H11 True HEPA filters are in most air purifiers on the market.


Q: How often do I need to change a HEPA filter?

A: All filters should be replaced after 3,000 hours of use, which is about every 4 months based on normal use.